For example, if you know you need to send your friend a birthday card on a particular date, you can insert that task with a reminder for that date in a couple of seconds and dramatically reduce the chances of you forgetting. Similarly, you can get yourself reminders by adding a new task, assigning a date against it and then requesting that the app notifies you on that date with a ring-tone style reminder. Two minutes work in total and I get notified every time I need to perform the task from then on. Using the app, I can add a task in my personal area which states ‘update excel budget’ and assign it against a specific day of the month and set it to repeat each month after that. Prior to downloading Things 3, I would often forget to do the monthly updates and would end up having to back-fill two or three months worth of data whenever I got round to doing it.
#Things 3 vs omnifocus 2 update#
I maintain a Excel document budget which I update on a monthly basis comparing what I have actually earned and spent to my budgeted figures. #3 – Set yourself reminders and repeat tasks periodically
#Things 3 vs omnifocus 2 mac#
As you tick tasks off on your phone, it will seamlessly sync to your Mac and visa versa. For people who work from their Mac whilst using their iPhone on the go, this is the perfect set up for maximising your productivity. Once you have purchased both the iPhone and Mac versions of the app, you get the benefit of syncing between the two. #2 – Integrate your things 3 app with other devices I also have an area set up for ‘shopping’ in which I add a checklist (discussed further below) with anything I need to buy that week which I keep as a shopping list that I can update as and when needed items I need pop into my head. Similarly, at the weekend, I wouldn’t have my work area open and can just see the to-do’s I have open in my ‘personal’ section such as ‘meet friend at London Bridge tube station at 7’. For example, whilst working I will only have the ‘work’ area open showing me what my tasks are for the day. This is a nice way of compartmentalizing the different areas of your life. For example, I have my app configured so that I have seperate sections for personal, work and this blog.

The first feature of Things 3 which I am a big fan of is how you can split your to-do lists by area. So let’s take a look at 7 reasons why this is an app I personally have paid for and why you may want do the same.

This non-technological solution may work well for work but for the busy amongst us, getting an app like Things 3 can really be the difference maker. Even to this day, for my work tasks, I write the date at a top of a piece of paper, write the tasks I need to accomplish with a little square checkbox next to them and fill the square in with a pink highlighter when it’s done. When it comes to productivity and getting things done, we all have our own system. The apps suite of features includes deadlines, calendar integration and checklists, all of which help you to organise your life. The app comes with a cost of a one-off fee of £48.99 on Macbook and £9.99 on iPhone. Things 3 is a sleek and easy-to-use task managing app available across Apple products. Whilst most people won’t have considered shelling out their hard earned cash for a productivity app – I can say from personal experience that this app starts paying for itself from the get-go by simplifying your do-list and allowing you to remember and be notified of all tasks you have to complete on any given day. Things 3, developed by Cultured Code, is one of the premium productivity applications (“apps”) on the market.